About us

The alpaca farm is located in Kojeliai village, Klaipėda district. Our farm is cozily nestled amidst forests, in a natural haven, offering a unique opportunity for those interested in alpacas to get to know them up close.

About alpacas

What Makes Our Alpacas Special


Exceptional Lineage

Alpacas from Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Chile, Australia.


Awarded in Shows

Participated in Lithuanian and European shows, earning awards.


Health Focus

Preventive care every 2 months, constant veterinary supervision.


Top Quality

Only healthy, strong, and breeding-suitable alpacas are raised.


Best Breeding Males

We breed only with recognized European champions.


Gentle and Friendly

Accustomed to people, they enjoy interaction.

Alpakos savaitgalį lauks lankytojų, registruotis nereikia:

Šeštadienį(15d.)  Nuo 12h iki 15h

Sekmadienį(16d.) Nuo 12h iki 15h

Bilieto kaina 9 Eur/lankytojui. Bilietas vaikams 7Eur. Vaikai iki 2metų įleidžiami nemokamai.

Maistas alpakoms 1Eur.

Jei oro sąlygos bus prastos, su alpakomis bendrausime jų namuose. Taip pat gali keistis ir renginio data!

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