

Name: Bembis

Sex: Male

Breed: Alpaca Huacaya

Date of birth: 2019.09.07

Colour: Light brown

Colour 2: White

Microchip number: 981020002328501

Country of origin: Lithuania

Farm of origin: Trakai

Bembis is a soft-fur guy who captivates others with his excellent hairstyle. His mood greatly depends on the quality of sleep and the amount of food he’s had. Bembis is always hungry, and when he’s unhappy, he can be very stubborn too! However, he gladly poses for photos with the visitors of “Čiobrelių rojus”.

Alpaca's father:


Alpaca's mother:


Alpaca crias:


Name: Purito

Colour: Medium fawn

Colour 2: white

Country of origin: Lithuania

Farm of origin: Čiobrelių rojus

Šiurpuliukų naktys

👻Šiurpuliukus dalinsime:
Spalio 19-20 dienomis; 17-21 val.
Spalio 26-27 dienomis; 17-21 val.
🎃☠️Spalio 31 dieną; 17-21 val. – N-16 – įleidžiami ne jaunesni nei 16 metų lankytojai.
Lapkričio 1-3 dienomis; 17-21 val.
🐕 🔥Su gyvūnais ūkyje lankytis DRAUDŽIAMA